zaterdag 18 augustus 2007

Crocodiles storys

Crocodile story’s

The crocodiles in this country are awesome! You have 2 kind off Crocodiles here. 1 is the “fresh water” and the other is the “salty’s”. The first ones are small ones, and have small long mouth, the other ones are much larger and have wider mouth. The first ones are river crocodiles and the other is a saltwater (sea) crocodile, witch also comes far up the rivers. I have seen my first live crocodile from the helicopter ( a couple off fresh water ones) and just yesterday I have seen my first “salty” in the nearby river. It was a very large one and it was swimming with a large (unknown) dead animal in his beak/mouth. I have never seen such a big crocodile a live in the wild. I stopped the car and ran back along the river to get closer and make a picture, but these animals are really afraid for humans. Soon if he saw me he released his carcass and dived under. Sometimes peaking up to keep an eye on me and his carcass. But unfortunately, I have now zoom lens on my camera and was not able to make a proper picture. It must have been at least 7 meters long and his head would have been at least the size off a big dinner platter.

Days before that, we needed crocodiles in the series, so the girls could do some thing with it on frame. So our local animal handler went out to catch some, and I did join him to have a look. (these where the “fresh water” ones) So, he did catch one (in his boat) and then he showed me the one and moved close to me. The crocodile did not like my camera and took a bite and did get hold off my camera and did not wanted to let go any more. Neither did I and I did hold the other end off the camera. The tooth of the crocodile where flying around, cause I have a metal camera. And so I took an other picture while the crocodile was holding my camera. (a bit out off focus, but did not have time to adjust camera settings, lol)

Well these are the crocodile experiences till now.

Here it was holding my camera, read above.

fresh water crocodile in a boat, there skin feels really nice and soft.

woensdag 15 augustus 2007

Some pictures from the last weeks!

After a 2 hour helikopter flight, (me and the camera man) we landed at Kununurra Airport, just before dark. (read more below, Shoot!)

Self timer shot, makes ripples in the water! Lake Kununurra, nice to swim and friendly crocs!

This land is big, very very big! If I go and do shoppings in town, I drive at least one and a half our to and the same on the way back, over this dirt road. Wher you can drive about 110km an our most off the way.

On the way home, I came across a bush fire, witch is very normal out here. The fires will not get bigger then what you see here, the trees stay unharmed and at day Hawks and other birds circle around to eat the escaping animals and insects. I stopped and took this sap, walked over picket a burning straw, lit my cigarette and watched a while.

2 pictures below are one day before shooting, we did a recce (reconnasance) with almost the whole crew at one of the biggest Boab tree I have been close to. Camp one is almost finished, just waiting till the gaffer builds his lights ....

Shoot! (short update)

Just an update!

I did not have the time to write proper notes about the shoot and stay at HV8 jet. I will try to do this in the coming days. I finally can smell the end off the shoot, witch is a relieve, its going to be a very busy week to come. We are shooting the last episodes (3) in the coming week. And I am working on paying all the bills and people who worked for us. Then I have to try and sell all the stuff and gear we have been buying before, like tents and other camping stuff. The shoot went very hectic till now, I generally sleep about 5 to 6 hours a night, like all off us out here and we haven’t been a single day off.

But this seems to be normal at Kanakna. Witch I think is not good for the morale off people.

Anny way, all the pictures we have been shooting, looks very nice. So, this winter (European winter) it should be on television in the Netherlands and Belgium. The name is going to be “Outback Jack” or “Outback Luke”.

We have been in the most remote places where we have been put up crew camps and the cast (reality) camp. I have seen Crocodiles, one even did bite my camera, and not wanted to let go. I have a picture from the moment that he has my camera in his mouth.

I had a great experience as a second camera in a Bell-Jet ranger helicopter with all the doors removed of course. Flying over the canyon like mountain ridges is a very nice feeling. Hanging half out off the helicopter door is some how a strange thing. The wind (according to the helicopters speed) outside is fast and strong. And its not easy to operate a camera in a situation like that and especially not when it is your first time. Lol

I did take pictures and avi’s at that trip, witch will be available for all you lot later.

I will try and describe a normal shooting day here at HV8 next time.

Till now this was the short update, I have to go and lunch now and do some (office) work again. :o)