And first off all I want to wish all the best to my dear friend Frode from Norway, who will start cycling this month from the east-coast of the USA to the West coast of the USA.
His blogger-link = http://lootsarmy.blogspot.com/ (this will be in Norwegian)
Departing on 11 July 2007 I will fly from Amsterdam via London and then to Seoul and after that to Sydney then via Darwin to Kurunurra. It will take me 3 days and 4 flights. There we, (me and the location-manager) will start preparing for 3 weeks before the rest off the film-crew will arrive. I will be the production-manager on location (for a reality program) and will be responsible for about all kind off things to be arranged and payed for. www.kanakna.com
Meer volgt ....... more follows ......