woensdag 15 augustus 2007

Some pictures from the last weeks!

After a 2 hour helikopter flight, (me and the camera man) we landed at Kununurra Airport, just before dark. (read more below, Shoot!)

Self timer shot, makes ripples in the water! Lake Kununurra, nice to swim and friendly crocs!

This land is big, very very big! If I go and do shoppings in town, I drive at least one and a half our to and the same on the way back, over this dirt road. Wher you can drive about 110km an our most off the way.

On the way home, I came across a bush fire, witch is very normal out here. The fires will not get bigger then what you see here, the trees stay unharmed and at day Hawks and other birds circle around to eat the escaping animals and insects. I stopped and took this sap, walked over picket a burning straw, lit my cigarette and watched a while.

2 pictures below are one day before shooting, we did a recce (reconnasance) with almost the whole crew at one of the biggest Boab tree I have been close to. Camp one is almost finished, just waiting till the gaffer builds his lights ....

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