dinsdag 4 september 2007


This picture, was the last sunset I have seen in Darwin, Australia , before going back home.

So, the final trip home started! It was a strange awareness, being the last night in Darwin.

Sitting at a terrace drinking a beer like I have done so many times before. It seems like I now start to realize I am not going to be here for a long time. Staring at the sea, listening to your companions, who probably all feel similar. Looking at the last time that the sun will sink in to the sea. (see picture above) So nice, it go’s really fast here, like I have seen it for many times out here and took many pictures from it. That night, we all went for a last dinner in Darwin, together with the local producer and a very good production/art/light assistant, named Patrick.

We had a lovely meal and have been drinking a bit more, but at the end, we all started to think about going a way.

A little while later we packed up and traveled to the airport off Darwin, where we dropped off the rental car and checked inn at the Quantas desk.

Now, above Port Moresby, at high speeds and a altitude off about 10 kilometers, we travel home with Korean Air. Flying a Boeing 777-200, the HL7530 I am getting annoyed with the fact that we always have to close the shades. I hate it to sit in a dark closed aluminum tube, while flying over the very nice parts of the planet. And specially when the movies are just very bad as well. On this nine and a half our flight, I hope I will fall a sleep a bit more.

Dreaming about my girl, Amsterdam and other thinks to think about, you also realize that soon if I am back in the Netherlands, I really going to miss all this.

At least I will have some time to look for a new job, preferably internationally as well.

Dreaming on in high sky’s, about my girly the most, I have never ever had a relation and have not seen that person for such a long time. Next time she has to go with me.

Hopefully I will quickly find a similar job, that would be real nice. There is this really stupid Korean movie on right now. I start to get heavy eyes.

( I just go to sleep a bit, and type some more later)

Sydney Airport, in the morning urly, waiting for our Korean Air flight.

After a nice landing in Seoul, Incheon Airport, we went to a place nearby (Incheon) to sleep in a hotel. All our luggage was labeled thru to Amsterdam, so we where just with a bit off hand luggage with lots off souvenirs etc. In this Korean town, you could nicely see the opposite world off Home Valley Station, bright lights and lots off shops and city activities. A complete different world all together, but much more like Europe, if you look at plants and birds. (see pictures below) I would like to return to Asia, I think it is something I need to study a bit longer, from a bit closer. Right now, I am cruising high above Mongolia at more then 10 kilometer altitude, while I just had my dinner and looking out on the Mongolian landscape, witch stretches out far as the eye can see. Hardly any roads or villages to see, flying north westwards, with a speed off about 800km an hour, the land is slowly getting greener. I would like to visit Mongolia and or Russia , maybe one day, that would be awesome. It is the longest flight from this trip, Seoul to Amsterdam takes about 12 hours. I already have enough off this chair and I still have nine hours to go. I am looking forward to the fact, that I am going to land on Schiphol (EHAM) airport, after a wild adventure job witch took me more than 7 weeks to do. Now I just have to finish the job in the office in Bussum for an other 2 to 3 weeks. I just can’t believe it I am in the plane to Amsterdam at this moment. I still remember when I went towards Seoul, still nervous about the job, uncertain, what to expect.

a night walk, me my camera and a can off beer in an Asian city .....

a little town (city), near Seoul-Airport

And now, its all behind me, ready for an other job, lol! Well first I need to speak and see the majority off the readers from this column, and probably have a little party, with in a view weeks, in the mean time I will find an other job, preferably international.

But above all, I am really looking forward to see my dearest off all, my girly. It have been a way to long, since I have seen here, and I really look forward to see here on Schiphol.

My sweet love, I hope for ever.

All you guys, who have been reading my column, I hope it was fun, naturally I have many more pictures and avi’s, I made. Who knows, I can show you some, one day.

From now on , you can all mail me on sevv@sevv.nl again and get hold off me on the normal phone numbers again.

Greetings to you all and let the good energy be with you!


Sander Edward van Velzen

PS: and special greetings to Zoe and Tom (from the U.K.), who are traveling (probably) in India right now and helped us a part off our crew in Australia and to my dear friend Frode (from Norway), who is cycling 6000km across the USA. Let the force be with you Frode.

Last sites off Australia in the late morning!